/   answered

In which area does America invest more?

The correct answer is  

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What’s the monetary value of philanthropy in America?

The correct answer is  

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Who donates more money to the poorest people overseas?

The correct answer is  

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Which of the following countries has the highest rate of voluntary giving?

The correct answer is  

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About how much does the typical American family donate in a year?

The correct answer is  

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Which of the following became achievable thanks to philanthropic efforts?

The correct answer is  

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In 2022, the majority of charitable dollars went to which type of organizations?

The correct answer is  

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Which of the following is not considered a layer of protection to prevent childhood drowning?

The correct answer is  

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What helps to control coastal erosion, filters pollutants, and buffers against storm surge and sea level rise, while providing habitat for over 300 species of endemic wildlife?

The correct answer is  

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What percentage of food production depends on pollinators, such as bees and butterflies?

The correct answer is  

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