
Our approach to philanthropy

The mission of The Chuck and Ernestina Kreutzkamp Foundation is to strengthen communities and improve the lives of those most vulnerable here in San Diego and across the globe.

The philanthropic efforts of the Chuck and Ernestina Kreutzkamp Foundation works to improve the outlook of orphans, youth, and those living below the poverty line. The foundation also provides funding to organizations researching cures for cancer. We are working collaboratively to better the future of the most vulnerable in the communities we serve.

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Our Founder

The ethos of the CEK Foundation is true to the values of Chuck and Ernestina Kreutzkamp. Chuck was a driven, yet simple individual from humble beginnings who frequently crossed the San Diego border into Tijuana by horse. He was constantly aware of his community’s struggles and had a burning desire to affect change. In Ernestina, he found a kindred spirit and a life companion. The CEK Foundation was born in 2017, when they saw an opportunity to better the circumstances of the most vulnerable by working with local communities and charitable organizations. Today, Ernestina  Kreutzkamp tirelessly continues the philanthropic efforts they started together.

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